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ysladmin 2024-05-31 人已围观

简介essayist_mentor       最近有些忙碌,今天终于有时间和大家聊一聊“essayist”的话题。如果你对这个领域还比较陌生,那么这篇文章就是为你而写的,让










       Born in Freiburg, Austria, and graduated from Vienna University, sigmund freud is an Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and founder of psychoanalysis school.?

       His theoretical framework and research methods have deeply influenced the later psychological development.

       His Interpretation of Dreams is regarded as the formal formation of psychoanalytic psychology.

       He initiated a new field of subconscious research, promoted the development of dynamic psychology, personality psychology and abnormal psychology, laid a new foundation for modern medical model.





       综述:Sigmund Freud (May 6, 1856-september 23, 1939), Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist and founder of psychoanalytic school. He studied at the medical school of the University of Vienna in 1873 and received a doctor of medicine in 1881.?

       From 1882 to 1885, he worked as a doctor in Vienna General Hospital, engaged in brain anatomy and pathology. Then private practice to treat mental illness. The concept of psychoanalysis was formally put forward in 1895.

       西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud,1856年5月6日—1939年9月23日),奥地利精神病医师、心理学家、精神分析学派创始人。1873年入维也纳大学医学院学习,1881年获医学博士学位。




        Lu Xun (1881.9.25-1936.10.19), formerly known as Zhou people, the word Yu-Shan, was later renamed Henan, China's modern great proletarian writers, thinkers, revolutionaries; one of the world's top ten literary giant. Issued after the first vernacular novel "Diary of a Madman" when the official used pseudonym - Lu Xun. Modern literature as a banner. His works mainly in fiction, essay-based, representative are: collection of short stories "The Scream," "Wandering" and so on, essay collections "朝花夕拾" (formerly "to revisit the issues"), poetry collection "weeds," Miscellaneous Works " hot air "" Manglietiastrum Set "" Manglietiastrum sequel "" South North cavity mobilize "" three free sets "" ambidexter set "" set it "" grave "and so on. Lu Xun's novels, prose, poetry, essays were dozens of (first) selected for primary and secondary school textbooks, such as Chinese, has become a well-known artistic image of the novel, "Blessing", "The True Story of Ah Q", "medicine" and so on successively was adapted into movies. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xiamen, etc. have successively set up the Lu Xun Museum, Memorial, etc. At the same time, his works have been translated into English, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, French, German and so on more than 50 kinds of language around the world, has a vast number of readers . To T on behalf of Lu Xun Ge, fighting life, as the "national soul." Mao Zedong on his Chinese cultural revolution are the owners. "a thousand pointing fingers, bow my head to be content to be a willing ox" is a portrayal of Mr. Lu Xun's life.

       鲁迅(1881.9.25—1936.10.19),原名周树人,字豫山,后改为豫才,我国现代伟大的无产阶级文学家,思想家,革命家;世界十大文豪之一。后发表第一篇白话小说《狂人日记》时正式用笔名——鲁迅。被誉为现代文学的一面旗帜。他的著作主要以小说、杂文为主,代表作有:小说集《呐喊》《彷徨》等,散文集《朝花夕拾》(原名《旧事重提》),诗歌集《野草》,杂文集《热风》《华盖集》《华盖续集》《南腔北调集》《三闲集》《二心集》《而已集》《坟》等。 鲁迅的小说、散文、诗歌、杂文共数十篇(首)被选入中、小学语文课本等,已成为家喻户晓的艺术形象小说《祝福》、《阿Q正传》、《药》等先后被改编成**。北京、上海、广州、厦门等地先后建立了鲁迅博物馆、纪念馆等,同时他的作品被译成英、日、俄、西、法、德等50多种文字,在世界各地拥有广大的读者。 鲁迅以笔代戈、奋笔疾书,战斗一生,被誉为“民族魂”。毛泽东评价他是中华文化革命的主将。“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛”是鲁迅先生一生的写照。


       E. B. White (July 11, 1899 -- October 1, 1985) was an American essayist and critic.

       Born in Mount Vernon, New York, he graduated from Cornell University. As the main writer of the New Yorker, White single-handedly established the influential "New Yorker style".







       There is a saying popular in China: “Knowledge is power”. Thissaying is said by Bacon. But his biggest achieve in art is informal essay.


       1. Bacon’sinformal essay is not long

       But it always containsa profound truth

       so you will neverfind empty in his informal essay.

       2. Heleaves so many true sayings, which always be put in the beginning and theending of an essay, it will attract reader’s attention and summary the wholeessay.

       3. Differentfrom other western writers, his essay arranged in good order, you can see thatcharacter in the article “of garden”.

       4. Finally,the solemn statement in his article is different from others. Some readers said:”there is neither lyric, humor in his article, nor the sense of cordial like afriend who is talking to you; but a master is teaching you, a judge is decidinga case when you are reading his article.”

       There is no special writing skill in hisessay, the writer use plain language to illustrate a profound truth.
