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ysladmin 2024-06-05 人已围观

简介extruder_extruder翻译       extruder的今日更新是一个不断变化的过程,它涉及到许多方面。今天,我将与大家分享关于extruder的最新动态,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些帮助。1.塑料是怎么做



1.塑料是怎么做成的 英文



4.CORE 的英语意思是什么呢


塑料是怎么做成的 英文













       压延是将树脂合各种添加剂经预期处理(捏合、过滤等)后通过压延机的两个或多个转向相反的压延辊的间隙加工成薄膜或片材,随后从压延机辊筒上剥离下来, 再经冷却定型的一种成型方法。压延是主要用于聚氯乙稀树脂的成型方法,能制造薄膜、片材、板材、人造革、地板砖等制品。












































       聚丙烯的密度在所有塑料中是最小的,约为0.90左右。 聚丙烯常用来生产管材、卫生洁具等建筑制品。


       聚苯乙烯为无色透明类似玻璃的塑料。 聚苯乙烯在建筑中主要用来生产泡沫隔热材料、透光材料等制品。


       ABS塑料是改性聚苯乙烯塑料,以丙烯睛(A)、丁二烯(B)及苯乙烯(S) 为基础的三组分所组成。ABS塑料可制作压有花纹图案的塑料装饰板等。


       Plastic had that several methods to make them

       Plastic molding process is to point to by synthetic resin factory manufacture polymer made final plastic products process. Processing methods (often called plastic one processing) including compression (moulding), extruded (extrusion molding), plastic injection molding, blow molding () (), calender blow moulding machines etc.


       Also called moulding or compression pressure molding, compression is mainly used for phenolic resin, urea-formaldehyde resin, unsaturated polyester resins thermosetting plastic molding.


       Extruded say again extrusion molding, is to use crowded color-printed (extruder) will be heated resin continued through mold, extrusion shape of the products of the method. Extruded sometimes have to thermosetting plastic molding, and can be used for foam plastic molding. Extruded of advantage can squeeze various shapes of products, the production efficiency is high, can automatic and continuous production. Defect is widely adopted this method cannot thermosetting plastic processing, goods size easily produce deviation.


       Plastic injection molding, say again. Injection is the use of injection molding machine (or weigh injection machine) will thermoplastics melt under high pressure injection mould nei cooling, curing obtain product method. Injection can also be used to thermosets and foamed plastic molding. Injection is the advantage of producing speed, high efficiency, operation can be automation, can molding complex shape of parts, especially suitable for mass production. Defect is equipment and mould cost is high, the machine cleaning more difficult, etc.

       Blow molding

       Chuisu say again or hollow blow molding shape. Chuisu is made by the pressure of compressed air in the heat of the closed mold colophony billet blow bulge for a method of hollow products including, blow molding, blow mounding blown film hollow products in two ways. With blow molding method can produce film products, various kinds of bottle, barrel, pot of containers and children's toys, etc.


       Calender is resin close by various additives expected disposal (kneading, filtration, etc.) through the calender of two or more in favor of the opposing calender roll gap processed into thin film or sheet, then from the calender roll cylinder on stripping down, then after finalizes the design of a kind of the shaping method. Calender is mainly used for polyvinyl chloride resin molding method, can make films, sheet, plank, artificial leather, such as floor brick products.

       Plastic the classification, composition and characteristics

       Plastic is a versatile synthetic polymer materials, in our daily life plastic products can be found everywhere. We wake up from the use of the things that wash gargle, the breakfast tableware, to work and study with a stationery, when resting in the seat cushion, mattresses, and television sets, washing machines, computer shell, and night gave us light all sorts of modelling of lamps and lanterns...

       Plastic with its superior performance gradually the place of many have been used for decades, hundreds of years of materials and the vessels, become people ingapore life's assistant. Plastic set metal hard sex, wood, portability, glass, ceramics, the transparency of the corrosion resistance, rubber flexibility and tenacity at a suit, accordingly besides everyday items outside, plastic more widely used in aerospace, medical equipment, petroleum chemical industry, machinery manufacturing, defense, construction and other industries.

       A, plastic classification

       Plastic is a lot of more phyletic, so far the world put into production of plastic has about 300 kinds. Plastic classification method is more, commonly used to have two kinds:

       1, according to the nature of plastic after heated divided into thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic

       Thermoplastic molecular structure are linear structure, the heated occurs when soften or melts, can SuZhi into certain shape, after cooling and harden. In heated to a certain degree of again bate, after cooling and harden, the process can be repeated several times. Such as PVC, PE, polystyrene, etc. Thermoplastic moulding process simpler, can continuous production, and with high mechanical strength, so fast development.

       The molecular structure of thermosetting plastic shape structure is in when heated also happens bate, can SuZhi into certain shape, but heated to a certain extent or add a little curing agent, after hardened to finalize the design, then heat does not become soft change in shape. Thermosetting plastic processing &forming, heated no longer softening and therefore can not be recycled, such as bakelite, amino plastics, epoxy resin belong to this kind of plastic. Thermosetting plastic molding process is more complex, so continuous production has the certain difficulty, but its heat-resistant good, not easy deformation, and the price at lower.

       2, according to the different is divided into general use plastic plastics and engineering plastics

       General plastic refers to large output, low price and wide application range of plastics, mainly including polyolefin, PVC, polystyrene, bakelite and amino plastics five varieties. People's Daily life of many products are used by these common plastic.

       Engineering plastic can be as a engineering construction materials and replace metal manufacturing machinery parts and other plastic. Such as polyamide, polycarbonate, poly formaldehyde, ABS resin, ptfe, polyester, poly (PSF, polyimide, etc. Engineering plastics possesses the density is small, the chemical stability, high mechanical performance good, electrical insulation is superior, processing &forming easily and other characteristics, widely used in automotive, electrical, chemical, machinery, instrument and meter industry etc, also used in navigating cosmic, rockets and missiles, etc.

       Second, plastic components

       We usually use plastic is not a pure substance, it is by the many materials preparation and become. One polymer (or called synthetic resin) is the main component of plastic, in addition, in order to improve plastics performance, but also add various auxiliary in polymer materials, such as packing, plasticizer, lubricants, stabilizer and colorants, etc, can become the good performance of plastics.

       1, synthetic resin

       Synthetic resin is the most main components, plastic in the plastic the content is in commonly 40% ~ 100%. Due to the content, and properties of the resin is often decided by the plastic properties, so people often think of resin as plastic synonyms. For example the polyvinyl chloride resins and PVC plastic, phenolic resin and bakelite confuse STH with STH else. Actually resin with plastic are two different concepts. Resin is a kind of unprocessed raw polymer, it not only used in the manufacture of plastic, and still coating, adhesive and synthetic fiber materials. And plastic







































       MakerBot 是一种3D打印机品牌,用于创建物理对象。要调整 MakerBot 打印机的温度,你可以按照以下步骤进行操作:

       打开 MakerBot 打印机:确保打印机已连接电源并打开。

       导航到设置菜单:在 MakerBot 打印机的控制面板或触摸屏界面上,找到设置菜单或选项。

       进入温度设置:在设置菜单中,寻找与温度相关的选项,通常称为 "Temperature" 或 "Heat"。

       选择温度调整:进入温度设置后,你可能会看到不同的温度调整选项,例如打印喷嘴温度(Extruder Temperature)和热床温度(Build Plate Temperature)。选择你想要调整的温度选项。



       请注意,具体的操作步骤可能会因不同的 MakerBot 打印机型号而有所不同。以上步骤提供了一般的指导,但最好还是参考你使用的具体 MakerBot 打印机的用户手册或官方文档,以获取准确的操作说明。

CORE 的英语意思是什么呢

        1、断丝堵头。将打印头归零,然后手动进丝,查看出丝正常与否,具体操作是:prepare-move axis-move 1mm-extruder→extruder:+0.00 ,接着进料喉管中的胶丝往下摁,观察出丝状态,并反复进行,将其中可能堵头的断丝融化带出。









       果核, 中心, 核心


       =Congress of Racial Equality 争取种族平等大会




       (果实的)核, 核心; [喻](事物的)本质

       中心部分; (电缆)心线(束); (机械录音)盘心, 铁心, 磁心; (计算机的)磁芯; 磁芯存储器


       铸型芯; 泥芯; 填充料


       (反应堆)活性区; 堆芯; 芯体






       cut out the core of the apple


       core curriculum


       the core of all the questions


       the core of truth


       the very core of the subject


       The pear is rotten to the core.


       He is English to the core.





       挖去... 的果心



       钻芯; 能取岩芯的钻头



       芯板材; 碎木板芯




























       be rotten at the core

       烂透; [喻]糟糕透顶; 坏透了

       get to the core of

       触及... 的核心

       hard core


       (组织或运动中)斗志最坚定的核心; 铁杆分子


       to the core

       彻底地, 彻头彻尾地

       air core


       air-blown core

       用压缩 空气制造的型芯

       air set core


       alarm crown wheel core


       anchor core


       annular core


       antenna core


       arc core


       armature core


       armature smooth core


       atomic core


       auger core

       螺旋推进器轴, 钻心

       axial load carrying core

       轴向负荷型芯; 轴向承载型芯

       baked core


       barrel core

       心型轴, 筒状芯

       bead core


       belly core


       biax core


       bimag core

       双稳 态磁心

       bistable magnetic core

       双稳 态磁心

       binary magnetic core


       black core

       炭斑, 黑心(斑)

       blind(set) core


       bobbin core


       body core


       bolt core


       branch core


       building core


       bullet core


       cable core


       cake core

       糕状型芯, 扁平型芯割

       cameron core


       carbon core


       carbonyl dust core

       炭粉铁芯, 羰铁粉芯

       centering core


       central core


       ceramic core


       chemical set core


       clincher bead core


       closed core


       coil core


       collapasible core

       可拆型芯, 自崩型芯

       common core


       complex leachable core


       compreseed iron powder core


       concrete core


       copper core


       cotton core


       cover core


       cracker core


       crown wheel core


       crown wheel driver core


       cruciform core


       cup-strainer core


       curing core


       cut core

       截割铁心, 半环形铁心

       date indicator core

       日历座, 日历指示器座

       detached core


       detached arch core


       disc shaped core


       divided-iron core


       double-tube core


       drill core


       drop core

       下落芯, 爬芯

       drum-shaped core


       dry sand core


       dust core


       earth core


       elastic core


       electromagnetic core


       embedded core


       exothermic breaker core


       expendable zine core


       exposed core


       extruder core


       extruder-head core


       false core


       ferrite core


       ferrocart core


       fiber core


       fibre core


       field core

       励磁铁心, 磁场铁心

       filter core


       fluid core


       foundry core


       gapped core


       gaseous core


       gate core


       genetic core


       glass type core


       greensand core


       ground-wood core


       half-excited core


       half-selected core


       hard core


       hard fibre core


       head core


       heat-resistant core


       hemp(en) core


       high-frequency (magnetic) core


       high-frequency iron core


       honeycomb core


       horn core


       hydrocarbon core


       hydroplastic cores


       impervious core


       impulse movement core


       increment core


       induction core


       intercooler core


       interior core


       jute core


       kiss core

       舂入侧型芯, 预埋型芯

       knock-off core


       knockout core

       (压铸型中)抽芯, 活芯

       laminated core


       left-and-right-hand core


       lightener core

       简化模样芯, 简化模板芯, 简化泥芯

       lightening core


       line core


       liquid core


       logic core


       loose core

       (压铸型中)抽芯, 活芯

       lumber core

       素材心板, 木芯板

       magnet core

       磁心, 铁心

       magnetic dust core


       magnetic powder core

       压粉磁心, 铁粉心; 磁(性铁)粉心

       magnetic dust core

       压粉磁心, 铁粉心; 磁(性铁)粉心

       magnetic tape core


       main pole core


       meander core


       memory core


       metal core


       metal tape core


       micellar core


       mo(u)lded core


       molybdenum permalloy dust core


       motor core


       movable core


       multiple aperture core


       nozzle core


       nucleolar fibrous core


       oil core


       oil cooler core


       oily-skinned core


       open core


       orient core


       own core


       oxide core


       paer core


       parametron core


       pipe-shaped core


       pithy core


       plasma core


       plastic core


       point core


       pole core


       pot core


       powder(ed) iron core


       preformed ceramic core


       Quartz core


       radiation core

       散热器型心, 汽车散热器中部

       radiator core

       散热器型心, 汽车散热器中部

       ramup core


       ramup wing core


       read-write core


       receiving core


       rectangular core


       reinforced core


       relay core


       removable core

       活动心子, 活动型心

       repulsive core


       resin mortar core


       resistor core


       ribbon core


       ribbon-wound core


       ring-shaped core


       ring core


       rocking bar core


       rope core


       rotary core


       rotary regenerator core


       rotor core


       rubber bead core


       seed core


       segment core


       selection core


       sendust core


       sheet core


       shell core


       short square core


       shower core


       single-apertured core


       sintered metallic core


       skim(ming) core

       撇渣芯; 浇口过滤片

       slab core

       片型芯, 板状芯

       sleeve-shaped core


       slotted core


       smooth core


       snake core

       弯曲(砂)芯, 蛇型(砂)芯

       soft core


       soft fibre core


       soft iron core


       soil core


       solenoid core


       solid iron core


       soluble salt core


       speedometer shaft core


       splash core

       防冲刷芯片, 防铁水冲击泥芯块

       split core


       square-loop core


       stainless steel honeycomb core


       standard tensile-test core

       (型砂)标准拉力试块, 八字试块

       standard transverse-test core


       stator core


       steel core


       steel wire core


       stock core

       备用型芯; 棒状芯, 长条泥芯

       stop-off core

       补砂型芯, 简化(模样)分型面型芯

       storage core


       strainer core


       strainer-gate core


       strand core


       strickling core

       刮制芯, 车制芯

       strip core


       struck core


       superimposed core

       预埋芯, 舂入芯

       suspended core


       sweeping core


       switch core


       tape core


       thin foil honeycomb core


       tin-ferrite core


       tooth core


       toroid core


       toroidal core


       touch core


       transformer core


       transmitting core


       trestles core


       trough core


       tube core


       tuning core


       tyre-valve core


       U core U


       umbrella core


       unhardened core


       unit core


       unyoked core


       upright core

       直铁心, 条形铁心

       U-shaped core U


       valve core


       vapor barrier core


       vertical core


       votex core

       涡流束, 涡辫, 涡核

       wafer core

       易割冒口芯片, 隔片, 颈缩芯片

       washburn core


       welding rod core


       well core


       william's core

       大气冒口(通气)芯, 通气芯

       wing core

       下落芯, 下落式顶填 泥芯, 楔形芯头泥芯

       wire bead core


       wound core


       xylem core


       yoke core


       core of anticline


       core of bank

       堤心, 路堤核心

       core of conductor


       core of dam


       core of dislocation


       core of paste


       core of synticline



       =Congress of Racial Equality 争取种族平等大会
