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ysladmin 2024-06-05 人已围观

简介accommodating_accommodating的翻译       大家好,今天我要和大家探讨一下关于accommodating的问题。为了让大家更容易理解,我将这个问题进行了归纳整理,现在就让




2.accommodation ladder stanchions什么意思及同义词

3.make accommodations to是什么意思

4."乐于助人的" 英语是什么

5.board 和 accomadation的区别






       n. 住处; 适应; 和解; 便利;

       [网络] 住宿; 顺应; 住所;

       [例句]There is less expensive accommodation nearby.


       [其他] 复数:accommodations 形近词: accommodative accommodating accommodators

accommodation ladder stanchions什么意思及同义词





       这些道路是为适应气温的逐渐变化而建的。一站式出国留学攻略 ing.com

make accommodations to是什么意思


       英[?k?m?de?n] 美[?kɑ:m?de?n]

       n. 住处; 适应; 和解; 便利;

       [例句]There is less expensive accommodation nearby.


       [其他] 复数:accommodations形近词: accommodative accommodating accommodators

       ladder 英[?l?d?(r)] 美[?l?d?]

       n. 梯子,阶梯; 梯状物; 途径; (紧身裤袜或长筒袜的) 滑丝;

       vi. 使(袜子)发生抽丝现象; 像长筒袜一样抽丝;

       [例句]Kelly climbed down the ladder into the water.


       [其他] 第三人称单数:ladders 复数:ladders 现在分词:laddering过去式:laddered 过去分词:laddered 形近词: padder gadder jadder


       n. 立柱,支柱; ( stanchion的名词复数 )

       [网络] 支柱;

       [例句]The structure of stanchions, such as materials, dimensions, height, space and fixing types are all the design parameters for the horizontal concentrated load.


"乐于助人的" 英语是什么

       make accommodations to





       n. 住处; 适应; 和解; 便利;

       [例句]There is less expensive accommodation nearby.


       [其他] 复数:accommodations 形近词: accommodative accommodating accommodators

board 和 accomadation的区别

        be eager to help people、be happy to render help to others、be only too pleased to help sb




       英 [?h?pi] 美 [?h?pi]?




       记忆技巧:happ〔= hap〕机会;运气 + y …的 → 有运气的 → 幸运的





       英 [pli?zd] 美 [pli?zd]?





       only too pleased (to do sth):十分情愿,巴不得(做某事)

       board 英[b?:d]


       n. 板; 董事会; 甲板; 膳食;

       vt. 上; (船、车或飞机) 收费供…膳宿; 使搭伙,使寄宿; 强行登; (船)

       vi. (火车、轮船、飞机等) 接受乘客; 搭伙,寄宿;

       [网络] 板面; 冲浪板; 盘;

       [例句]Dr Tinsley had five pieces on the board against Chinook's four.


       [其他] 第三人称单数:boards 复数:boards 现在分词:boarding 过去式:boarded 过去分词:boarded




       n. 住处; 适应; 和解; 便利;

       [网络] 住宿; 顺应; 住所;

       [例句]The government will provide temporary accommodation for up to three thousand people.


       [其他] 复数:accommodations 形近词: accommodative accommodating accommodators
